
easter break was great.
the macattac finally showed up and we went to checkout some bull riding on wensday. it was red neck city over there beefjerky
country music
corn dogs
rodeo clowns
buffalo wings
-loved it. karl-asmund (norwegian names rule) got us the tickets for this the third week we were here and has been super stoked to go. maria her friend marie, teacher kristin, jorg and jon who also just came out from denmark. when they played the national anthem i was wearing my truckerhat and this guy behind me yelled "take your hat off or get out of my country!"
jepp the atmosphere was just right.
on friday we went to an amusement park called paramounts great america. we went in the morning while it was rainging but it cleared up around noon, so there was no ques whatsoever! we went on some rides like seven times in a row, back to back no lines at all it was crazy. when we came back to s.f.people said that we were super lucky, when they had been there the ques had been houre long.
check me out chillin with snagglepuss the coolest cartoon character ever.
"exit stage left"
gus you know what im talking about.
konichiwa biietches
my friend leonard nu slut. du skriver så jag skarattar av stolen. på ett sätt borde du kanske bo i fran fran. på ett sätt vill jag att du kommer hem omedelbums.
..meh sluta ge mig hemlänktan hela tiden.
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