san francisco #15

make art not war
obey giant
some of us went to the Shepard Fairey show at the white walls show room on saturday.
he is one of my all time favorite artist that iv'e been following for the past 9 years.
so it felt good that the first show of his i attend ruled.
you should check out his site if you have any intrest in street art or phenomenology (link to the right). the show ruled and i had the oppertunity to talk real quick to the artist about our project and stuff and exchanging buisness cards with him felt good.
the medim is the message
shit, jag som tyckte att jag hade det ganska bra i berlin... du lever verkligen drömmen. keep it up.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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