san francisco #19

guys night out.
saturday. me and the macattac went to alcatraz in the morning. people who say this country doesn't have any history, don't know what they are talking about. the history over here is just younger and cooler and the historic figures are portraid by heros like clint eastwood and john wayne not geeks like gerard depardue and sir alec guinnes (alec gets off the hook though for beeing obi wan). the thing about alcatraz is not so much the place as how the have manedged to create that eerie feeling of beeing stuck in a prison. the tour works like this, you wear these headphones were ex convicts and prison guards tell you storys from their time in the jail while you walk around freely and check out the things they are talking about. it works really good.
after that men and mac went and hook up with the other guys from class for our guys night out. what can i say... a steady alcohol consumption from three in the afternoon, bunch of diffrent bars, lovemaking, loose cannon on the loose, jorg beating up waiters, wiskey drinking, shroomtaking, sucker punches, moneybeefing, rasmus comming out of the closet, bootyshaking, kenneth andré in full effect, transvestites, back alley beatdowns, yeah it was pretty much a total mess but we sure laughed all the way.
"it sure was a guys night out cuz the only hot chicks we saw were men."
check out the movie: waiting...
if you don't laugh you lungs out watching it you are not my friend
any more.