lake havasu

you fellas ain't from around here are ya?
ok it's thursday night and i was thinking off doing some school work when oscar calls me up and says, "we are on the bay bridge now heading to arizona we are commig to pick you up!".
there wasn't much i could say they pretty much kidnaped me.
so there we were five skandinavians heading for lake havasu.
it was haakon (nor), thomas (dan), oscar (dan), sören (dan) and me (swe)
cruising down highway 5 in oscar's white cadilac eldorado '78.
after about four hours the engine started to smoke and we had to wait for it to cool down.
when we starded the car (moby chick) again it was making this wierd noise som we didn't want to keep on the highway. so we got of and ended up in the up beeing towed since the cadilac totally died after another hour to the small town called mendota (the cantilope center of the world). we spent the night five guys in a motell room and got totally toasted.
the next day we whent down to the mechanics to find out that the cadilac was totally dead. so we ended up bying a new car an '87 ford mercery (my first car). it cost about 500 dollars split five ways.
the town of mendota is totally populated by mexians so we bought ourselfs cowboy hats to blend in, don't think it worked though cuz we were beeing checked out by everyone like we were some kind of crazy gringo circus freak show band.
so that is what when we decided to become "the moby chicks" (in tribute to our fallen cadilac).
oscar on drums, haakon on lead guitar, me on bass and sören and thomas are still fighting over who is lead vocals.
so now the moby chicks are heading down the 5 in our new (old) car listening to radio espanol rocking our fresh cowboy hats sticking out like sore thumbs.
a few houres later the battery started to act up so we got a new one. about fortyfive minutes after that the mecury just up and died on us in the middle of the mojave dessert at 2 two in the morning.
there we were stuck in the middle of nowere with giant truks passing every twenty seconds. haakon and thomas were trying to stop cars for a jump start, when we suddenly hear " get out of the road!!!".
it was the cops and they called a towtruck for us.
it took the tow dude about fortyfive minutes to get there and in the mean time we just hung out watched the beautiful clear star light night while listening to none other than johnny cash. at one point i acually saw a shooting star and haakon said quick wish for something. but even though we were stuck in the middle of nowere with a broke down car basically up shit creek without a paddle i couldn't think of a single thing i would have had different.
the tow duder totally ripped us off (asshole) and the motell he took us to had no vacancies, so we all had to sleep five guys in the car (yeah that pretty much sucked).
next morning we had to power up our battery and head back the same way we came cuz there were no aoutshops in our direction. we ended up in a town called barstow. we fund out by a local dude in a 25 cent store that it was the crank (methamphetamine) capital of the world. he said that at least 50% of the population were on that shit. we saw some pretty strung out people there acting wierd on the street. we walked into a real gloomy bar while they were fixing up our car.
the bar "katz" was like taken out of some tarantino flick, the place hadn't been cleaned since opening day, the walls were covered with trucker hats and beer ads plus every one in the place stopped what they were doing and stared our way when the moby chicks came though the door wearing cowboy hats and all (seriously nobody wears cowboy hats here) looking like aliens to these guys. if this had been a hundred years ago it probably would have ended up with a shoot out in the alley out back.
we sucked down some suds and waited for the mercery to get fixed.
it was saturday now and it had taken us three days to make a nine houre trip and we were loving every second of it. i just love hangnig around people who are possitivly inclined to everything all the time. i was thinking what if we had brought some booring money counting negativ person with us. that could have messed up the entire trip.
so the ride got hooked up and runned perfectly and we continued down the highway. three hours later we were finaly att our destination lake havasu. why did we choose this place as our final destination? well i didn't have much say in that cuz it was already decided before they even picked me up.
here's why lake havasu is one of the big spring break hangouts. that means that college kids from all around flock to this place and party like crazy (girls gone wild).
it was so cheesy you wouldn't belive, it was like the sthlm water festival in bikinis and sufershorts and us in cowboy hats.
im telling you we were the only ones in the whole place with some kind of style but people still yelled "hey brokeback mountain" after us down the street haha.
we stayed there for two nights and had a blast rented a boat, party'd, ate steaks, rocked the whole moby chicks thing and had a the best time ever.
road trips rule
and remeber it's all about the trip not the destination.