san francisco #6

i hooked up with the myggen brothers yesterday and spent the night at thier pad, after spending most of the day walking around china town with jorg the computer wizz from my class. just like me he loves all that asian junk you can find there.
what struck me first was that it acually feels like you are in china. only the tourist's are not asian and all the signs are in chinese. pretty cool acually sort of feels like you are in a china themed amusement park. we found this neat sushi place called the sushi boat resturant where the sushi is served in small boats sailing around the bar and you just take the kind you like. and you pay according the color of the plate. after that we bought some smoke bombs and this cool japanese movie called cassern, it's like sky captain and the world of tomorrow times a thousand.
dan and nick myggen are friends of mine from bording school. they have this sweet apartment just outside of the city of the bay brige on yerba buena (the good herb) island. right next to tresure island (man i love these names). the flat was real nice it had all the latest video game consoles a movie projector, a bar, a huge film collection a big patio with a brand new gas barbeque grill plus a view of all of down town san francisco and a red pool table. we pretty much just hung out for the night blazed up the grill and ate spicy hot dawgs. nick was talking about how he could sort me out with camera gear and stuff. since i'm in the film documentation group this was great to hear. their dad lives in los angeles and they asked me if i whanted to tag along for their next visit. so it looks like you'll get te LA lodown soon. here's a picture of dan in the living room.
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