san francisco #1

wow so i'm finally here, san francisco. right now its 5:30 in the morning and i am wide awake (still on cet). yesterday me, hanne, per and måns whent out to check out the scene. the first thing we did was find this great chinese resturant on the outskirts on china town. it didn't look like much from the outside, we sat down and started reading the menue which made as much sence to us as an arabic cartoon made in denmark. after a while the chef came up too us and said you guys havent been here before have you? don't worry i'll take care of you. and he sure did, some of the best chinese food iv'e ever had kept comming in and i felt like i was attending one of leonard dinner partys (read the book my friend leonard by james frey. but not after you read a million litttle pieces by the same author). after they brought out about six different dishes they finaly said this is the last one, by that time all of us were so stuffed we hardly could move. these two guys sitting next to us, one really old chinese and one younger jewish looking guy asked us "how did you find this place?" we said "well we were hungry and this was a resturant". and they were all " you guys got real lucky cuz this is like the best chinese food in all of san francisco, but only locals know about it". felt good that we didn't fall into a tourist trap right away.
after that we pretty much just went crusin' arount town. måns and per got attention all the time for wearing those training jackets. one crack dealer said you "dudes look like some surfin bowling team" and a porn show portier yelled "hey nice jackets! no admission fee." that was pretty funny but i dont think i gonna hang out with them if they both wear those sports jackets again.
gotta go se the golden gate now.
stay tuned for more
Helt plötsligt, starka Callecravings, är det för att du är på andra sidan jorden?? Hoppas du har det grymt.
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